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Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS
Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS
Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS
Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS
Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS
Shippping times: RSA: 2-5DAYS, INTERNATIONAL 7-10 DAYS

How Does this product work

We Sell Treatments proven in Science and in Human Trials

Key Takeaways?

  • the worlds most widely used treatment for Balding and Hair loss in Men and Woman
  • was approved by the US FDA for hair loss treatment in 1996
  • It Works Best when hair loss is noticed.. so the earlier you start the better.. it is not very effective if you have been Bald for a number of years
  • It works by Stimulating hair follicles.. increasing blood flow to the area
  • Unlike many other hair growth products (such as Caffeine shampoo's) it has been trialed and tested scientifically. And is effective for 4 out of 5 people 
  • 5 percent concentration is proven to give the best results, anything stronger does not provide noticeable improvements

How Long Does It Take for It To Work?

When you start using minoxi5, it starts by stimulating blood flow in the area where you have lost hair, the hair needs to basically start forming from a new within the skin and follicles. Be skeptical at any medication reporting to grow hair within days or weeks. With Minoxi5 treatments generally people start noticing new hair growth within the first 4 months. 

There after the gains appear faster and thicker, but patience is the name of the Game. 

How do you use it?

Simply apply the solution to you scalp as directed and massage it for a few seconds, make it a part of your daily routine, it only takes a few minutes. Men to use the formulation twice a day. Woman only once. The product continues to work on your scalp by stimulating and increasing blood flow. This encourages hair growth over time.

What do the studies and Clinical Trials tell us

As with all other hair loss treatments, results do vary, but here is a breakdown that has been compiled from several studies that looked at the results in both men and women:

  • the product stopped or dramatically slowed hair loss in about 80 percent of participants.
  • 5 percent used once a day in Woman has shown to be more effective than the traditional woman's 2 percent
  • It works more effectively on the onset of balding, people that have been bald for a number of years are less likely to benefit 

Ready to try? Click here to start your journey


More Questions?

See Popular FAQ (frequently asked Questions) and Answers below

How will i know if Minoxi5 will work for me?

The first step is understanding what is causing your hair loss, Minoxi5 should be used by those who suffer from Male/Female pattern balding, AKA Alopecia. If unsure check with a doctor for a diagnosis, make sure you use the correct product for your condition

Why is your Product the lowest priced in South Africa

in other countries it is not expensive, in SA due to lack of
competition and the price of importing international brands have given the impression that it is an expensive product. Our aim is to provide the best value product to our customers.

How long after use do i see results?

it Does not work for all who try, but has a high success rate 80-90% wh try will get results, these results happen in month 3-4. Hair Growth is slow, there is no magic pill or potion that can beat Minoxi5. Make sure you use it daily and make it a part of your daily routine

How Long do i need to use the product

If you suffer from Alopecia - Hereditary hair loss, then there is no cure. You will have to make usage a lifelong commitment. Good news is that our product will not break the bank and only takes a minute to apply. If you suffer
from another health issue, solving that underlying health issue might mean you don’t need to use minoxi5 for life.

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